Canadian Veteran Walks the Talk

Retired Combat Engineer Chance Burles continues to lead through his actions.

The next time you go to the grocery store, head over to the produce department first and find a 20lb bag of potatoes, which you will carry in a backpack while you continue shopping, making sure to hit every aisle on the way to the cashier. How many would be able to make it to the cash register?

Now imagine carrying that bag of potatoes around on your back while embarking on a hike of 100 miles over four days. Next month, 40,000 competitors will gather in the Netherlands to participate in an event known as the “Walk of the World”, and some of those participants will attempt to do just that. Better known by many globally as the “Nijmegen March”, people will challenge the course and themselves in the 106th rendition of what the Dutch call “The 4 Days”.

Chance Encounter (Yes the pun is intentional).

I became aware of Chance Burles about five years ago through a mutual friend, Pat Stogran, who hosted a podcast about his views on leadership called “Leaderology”. One of the leadership principles Pat believes in is that successful leaders do so by their example, which resonated with me. Chance was a guest one night and it was obvious that he was one of the leaders in the veteran’s community. He was challenging other veterans to get up and move around, challenging them to do as he did and challenge themselves physically and mentally.

The Sherwood Park March. June 20th-23rd.

Chance accepted a challenge to do the Nijmegen March, and began training last November. Family commitments and current financial realities mean he won’t be able to participate in the Netherlands but, he will be marching at home in Sherwood Park, getting routes approximating those in the event and abiding by its rules. He will be doing it from June 20th to the 23rd, and chose to participate in the event open to active servicemen which involves a 40KM route while carrying a minimum of 10kg. Once again he is challenging his brethren to challenge themselves, and he’s seeing how many will answer.

The March in Fish Creek Park.

He got me walking in the Walk for Veterans every September since 2019, and he has once again inspired me to challenge myself. I will be attempting a march of 50 miles over the four days of the event from July 16th to the 19th in Fish Creek Provincial Park which is just a stone’s throw away from me. Because of my lower back issues, I will be playing things by ear as to whether or not I will be doing it carrying a pack.

In the meantime, I have my walking shoes ready to go and I’ll be training to get myself ready to go on July 16th. I’ll share my journey with you from training to the four days of the event while going over some of the facts and history of The 4 Days, and talking with Chance Burles about doing the march and challenging others to improve themselves and realize some personal growth. So go to his page on Facebook and give him some encouragement.


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