McKenna Drunk-Tweets Disdain For Canadians (See The Full Video Here)

Offers advice on how to get Canadians to believe you.

In an update to this post I have added a Tweet by Stephen Taylor, who had the foresight to download this video. A big shout out to Stephen and to the people who responded to my appeal for the video. Because of this, Canadians can be reminded of what the Liberals think about them from now until election day. Now Canadians will hear your words day after day, until they come to realize just what you are Catherine.

I embedded this Tweet on my Facbook page earlier and when I started writing this article, I wanted to go back to it to get a direct quote from it. But, strangely, the Tweet is gone, deleted. I wonder why?

Maybe the cod she kissed is threatening to press charges of unwanted touching against her. I suspect the poor cod needed a good belt of Screech after that interaction.

Or could it be that someone on Climate Barbie’s crack team decided it best to get rid of a potentially embarassing video of their boss . A video showing a clearly tipsy Catherine McKenna, after getting Screeched In at a St. Johns’s pub, offering advice to two of the locals who are discussing history.

There is a disagreement as to whether St. John’s is the oldest city in North America, and our half-snapped minister of the environment and imminent disaster offers the two advice on getting people to believe you.

Since I don’t have the audio to transcribe what she said, I will paraphrase. If you want someone to believe you, all you have to do is stand up in the House of Commons day after day, saying the same thing over and over, and eventually, Canadians will believe what you are saying.

In vino veritas

Smart politicians use social media to their advantage and leverage it to successfully spread the message to their base while attracting new followers. The Justin Trudeau Liberal’s have been using it to their detriment, as many right fom the leader down can’t seem to decide whether they want to be public servants ar social media stars.

Aming the most prolific on Twitter is Catherine McKenna, whose Tweets are often as disastrous as the climate change she portends. She apparently has a team of 30 running her social media accounts. My question is a team of 30 what, macaques?

I fully encourage her and her cabinet colleagues to sit around and have a few drinks, then have them start Tweeting what they really think. There’s a reason why skilled intelligence agents use alcohol as a tool to abtain information, because as everyone knows there is truth in alcohol.

Image result for catherine mckenna pub
Image is not from Tweet in question however is from the same account.

Thanks for letting us know how you really feel.

I mean it isn’t like we didn’t already know you have absolutely no respect for the intelligence of Canadians, and that we will simply start to believe what you want us to just because you say it enough times.

Enjoy drunk-Tweeting Canadians while you can, minister. You only have five more months to be able to do it.

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